1. Cellular Physiology And Biochemistry

Molecular Aspects of Exercise Biology and Exercise Genomics, the latest volume in the Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science series includes a comprehensive summary of the evidence accumulated thus far on the molecular and cellular regulation of the various adaptations taking place in response to exercise. Changes in the cellular machinery are described for multiple tissues and organs in terms of signaling pathways, gene expression, and protein abundance. Adaptations to acute exercise as well as exposure to regular exercise are also discussed and considered.


Key Features. Claude Bouchard is Professor and Director of the Human Genomics Laboratory at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He holds the John W. Endowed Chair in Genetics and Nutrition.

His research deals with the genetics of adaptation to exercise and to nutritional interventions as well as the genetics of obesity and its comorbidities. He has authored and coauthored several books and more than 1000 scientific papers. Among other awards, he was the recipient of the Honor Award from the Canadian Association of Sport Sciences in 1988, a Citation Award from the American College of Sports Medicine in 1992 and the Honor Award in 2002, the Benjamin Delessert Award in nutrition from France in 1993, the Willendorf Award from the International Association for the Study of Obesity in 1994, the Sandoz Award from the Canadian Atherosclerosis Society in 1996, the Albert Creff Award in Nutrition of the National Academy of Medicine of France in 1997, the TOPS award in 1998, the Friends of Albert J.

Stunkard Award in 2004 and the George A. Bray Founders Award from The Obesity Society in 2008, and the EV McCollum Award from the American Society of Nutrition in 2011. He is a foreign member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium since 1996. In 2001 he became a member of the Order of Canada as well as Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University. Bouchard became a Knight in the Ordre National du Quebec and received the Earle W. Crampton Award in Nutrition from McGill University in 2005. He was awarded Honoris Causa Doctorates in Science from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 1998, from the University of South Carolina in 2009, from Brock University in 2011, from the University of Guelph in 2011, and from the University of Ottawa in 2012.

Bouchard is past president of the Obesity Society and past president of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. He served as the Executive Director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center from 1999 to 2010. He is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Epidemiological Society, the Obesity Society, the American Society of Nutrition, the American Heart Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. His research has been funded by various agencies in Canada and the USA, but mainly by the National Institutes of Health.


A challenge to applied physiologists is to continue to apply new methods to their field. The purpose of this review is to speculate how recent advances in the fields of molecular and cell biology might be applied to exercise physiology to provide greater insights into the mechanisms underlying adaptations to a single bout of exercise and to repeated bouts of exercise (training).


Cellular Physiology And Biochemistry

The review is organized to consider the actions occurring outside the cell, through the cellular membrane and cytoplasm to the nucleus. These topics are as follows: blood-borne signals, polypeptide growth factors, membrane receptors (insulin receptor, adrenergic receptors, acetylcholine receptors, phosphorylation of receptors, and mutant receptors), transduction through the plasmalemma (glucose transporters and G proteins), second messengers (phosphatidylinositol phosphates and calcium), cis sequences required for muscle-specific gene expression, transcriptional regulation by physiological signals, and gene expression. Exercise physiology is a challenging discipline that integrates molecules, cell-to-cell interaction, tissues, and the whole organism during the physiological stress of exercise by the live, unanesthetized animal.