'This is several code SEGMENTs, not a full program. 'It illustrates the key components for a ISR, Buffered, 'serial comm link. 'This shows the RxData part, TxData is similar. 'Scavanged from: JCGLCD Drv V11.bas 12/11/08 $regfile = 'm168def.dat' 'Specify the AVR being used $crystal = 14745600 'Ext Xtal $hwstack = 64 'Default use 32 for the hardware stack $swstack = 32 'Default use 10 for the SW stack $framesize = 60 'Default use 40 for the frame space $baud = 9600 'Baud rate (Sets up HW USART) 'Dim variables here. 'Config I/O Pins & Ports here.
'Set Up the Hardware USART, using Interrupt driven buffers. Config Serialin = Buffered, Size = 255 Config Serialout = Buffered, Size = 8 Dim Nm As String. 1 Inits: Enable Interrupts 'Turn ON Interrupts for USART Main: 'Do something useful here. Goto Main 'Loop forever Selectbr: 'Read the input pins and select the User Desired Serial Input Baud Rate 'Are setting the BR for the Hardware USART. Format is N,8,1, (fixed). For the hardware UART.
'BAUD #x, yyyy For the software UART. Baud = 38400. Getsdchar: 'Get a single incoming Serial Data character from the HW USART 'This version WAITS until a byte is received! 'This gets ANY character, 0-255 dec, including Esc (27d) 'On Exit have: Dc Data Character in String Format 'On Exit have: Nv Data Character in Numeric Format While Ischarwaiting 1 Wend 'Just wait 'Get a char from the UART Dc = Waitkey Nv = Asc(dc) 'Get the Numeric equivalent, also Return JC.
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