1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study Language is used by people to communicate. Language may be understood if the speaker and the listener have the same language.

The misconception between the speaker and the listener came if they do not understand the languages from each other. That is why a translation is needed in order to reduce the misconception. There for, a translation is necessary. According to Arif Rokhman, “the translation is a work to restate an idea about one language to other language.” 1 There are two languages that implicate a translation they are source language SL and target language TL. SL and TL are used by translators and researchers to learn about language translations.

Languages can evolve from time to time. According to Chaer, “there is a relationship between language and human being. Human activities which are constantly changing and developing, leads a specific changes for the language.” 2 In the development of Indonesian culture, it is possible that there is a relation with other countries, especially to introduce the culture.

Cultural relation from one country to another country may also cause a language contact. Under such a contact situation, it is possible for a certain language to borrow some particular words from another language. According to Champbell, “a lexical item a word which has been 1 Muh Arif Rokhman, Penerjemahan Teks Inggris, Teori dan Latihan, Yogyakarta: Hanggar kreator, 2006, p.

9 2 Abdul Chaer, Linguistik Umum,Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1994, p. 32 „borrowed‟ from another language, a word which originally is not part of vocabulary of the recipient language but is adopt from some language and made part of the borrowing language‟s vocabulary is called loanword.” 3 English language has spread all over the world for the last two centuries and influenced many aspect of globalization. The cultural, economic, politic, medic, military and scientific from United States and United Kingdom has given English pre-eminent status as a language of international communication. English language is spread through film, music, internet, documentary, games, and media. In Indonesia, so many forms from media such as newspaper, tabloid, journal, and magazine use English to explain some new terms for Indonesian languages.

Some words are borrowed to fulfill the gap between the source language meaning and target language meaning. According to Kachru, “The deficit hypothesis presupposes that borrowing entails linguistic “gaps” in a language and the prime motivation for borrowing is to remedy the linguistic “deficit”, especially in the lexical resources of a language.” 4 This is quite similar with explanation from Champbell, and based on this statement it can be assumed that a certain words are borrowed, because there is no equivalent word in the native language to explain the intended meaning.

A large number of borrowing words which are adopted from English to Indonesian language draw the 3 Lyle Champbell, Historical Linguistic: An Introduction, Eidinburg: Eidinburg University, 1998, p. 62 4 Kachru, Braj B. Englishization and Contact Linguistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, p. 135 function of the loanwords.

First, loanwords are aimed to fulfill the need of new vocabularies, and the second is for prestige. 5 Loanwords are many used in Indonesian language, one of the loanword from English is such as televisi from television. 6 One of the borrowing words from Arabic to Indonesia is syetan from. 7 In other country like Japan, the loanword such as コミュニケーション ko-myu-ni-ke-to is word from communication in English.

8 These words are used when the native speaker of the words above to do contact and communicate with indigene people for some decades, until their languages became language that is used by native speaker for daily activity. However, not all the loanwords and their counterparts or synonym have the same meaning when they come in different contexts. As stated by Sumarsono, “In linguistics nowadays, it almost becomes axiomatic that an absolute synonym does not exist.” 9 In his book, he also quotes Macauly who said that change the structure of the sentence, replace one synonym with the other, then the overall effect of that sentence would be destroyed. Those statements lead into a question whether or not absolute synonym exists. This is one of the so many problems of translating borrowing words. That is why the study of terms is necessary to reduce misunderstanding by readers.

5 Lyle Champbell op. Echols and Hasan Sadily, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, Jakarta: Gramedia, 2003, p. 582 7 Mahmud Yunus, Kamus Arab Indonesia, Jakarta: PT. Mahmud Yunus Wa Dzurriyyah, 2007, p.

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209 8 Bachtiar Harahap, Kamus Kata Serapan Bahasa Jepang, Gramedia: Jakarta, 2006, p. 384 9 Sumarsono, Sosiolinguistik, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009, p. 54 From the explanation above, the writer uses Digital Camera Magazine to do research.

Biografi Mahmud Yunus

Then the writer tries to analyze the photographical terms found in The Digital Camera World Magazine from English to Indonesia which using translation procedure for translating borrowing words. 10 Then, the types of borrowing words which are found in Digital Camera Indonesia magazine will be classified by theory of Charles F. Hockett who is explaining theory of loan word, loan blend, and loan shift. 11 The writer‟s interest is in this topic are based on the view that borrowing word should be considered as an independent discipline. However, we must be aware of the fact, most of the translation terms are still applying foreign terms. Thus, the purpose of this study is to provide further understanding of borrowing equivalence.

Focus of Study.

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